Sunday 16 February 2014



Can't seem to reproduce a decent set of photos, these look too light. Never mind on with the post.
 Left to Right: Firstly we have Myfanwy a business zombie, nice suit but she's lost a shoe. Next we have Vanessa in her nightdress, what a way to start the day (as a zombie). Then we come to Stella the waitress, I thought about putting a head on her tray but decided against it. So she got some extra gore instead. Finally our keep-fit zombie Gemma, Rule no. 1 Cardio (didn't help her). Eagle eyed viewers will notice that Stella and Gemma used to go to the same hairdresser.
 I became bored painting all the bases grey, so came up with a way to try and represent roads what do you guys think?
 Still massive disruption at the bunker due to refit but bizarrely the blog hasn't suffered too much as all I can do is paint. There is also a rumour that the WNI (Wednesday Night Irregulars) might be able to gather once again this week. Here's hoping.
 Remember the DUDE says "take it easy"


  1. I rather like the idea of the waitress holding something disgusting on it like a severed head or a pile of guts. As always, i love how you paint your zombies. Your road bases seem to work rather well. Just for a bit of variety you could add double lines for no overtaking, a continuous line with a short line for overtaking on one side and one or two yellow lines for no waiting and no parking. I tend to represent my road effects with a coating of sand before painting it dark grey, although there is nothing wrong with smooth road surfaces.

  2. Thanks Bryan
    Your comments are as always much appreciated. Your ideas for the road markings are excellent as usual, they are already being absorbed and will be implemented in due course. I'll have plenty of chance as these vixens seem neverending.
    Cheers Bob.

  3. Great work as always Bob!
    Nice to have you around, at least now I know that round thing is a tray! I thought it's a useless piece of something, but gah this makes so much sense! I wonder if I can find the arm you used to hold it. You can't have a waitress without a try, as you can't do a girl in a bathing suit any other way but baywatch.
    And I'm with Bryan on this one, head or guts (even better!) are always great! But sometimes, great ideas don't end up too well, so this is just as good!

    1. Thanks Mathyoo
      The idea was there, if not the execution. Maybe on the next one, but I don't fancy sculpting guts. Would need lots of practice first. I have tried not to make all my bathing beauties Baywatch, but it was difficult.
      All the best. Bob.

  4. Good take on the vixwns Bob and I thought the round thing was a frisbee, just goes to show !
    I must admit that I'm not a fan of any "themed" bases, but as many others' yours look great.

    1. Thanks Joe
      I think it's a tray, I have known to be wrong. I just thought that in a hoard a few different groups of bases would break the overall group up.
      All the best Bob

  5. Would be funny to put something on the tray, maybe a custard pie! :)
    I guess you could also use it as a frisbee. The bluish/grey paint jobs look pretty sick, what did you use?

    1. Thanks hh
      The bluish/grey paint starts with GW Shadow Grey, GW Blue Ink wash, overbrushed with GW Codex Grey, lighter overbrush with GW Fortress Grey, selective shading with GW Leviathan Purple and a final light overbrush of GW Space Wolves Grey. Then after the whole model is painted they get a splash of GW Devlan Mud.
      Hope that helps.

  6. Nice one Bob :) looks great, will definitely give that recipe a go!
