Thursday 13 February 2014


HELLO LADIES............

These are the first of my Wargames Factory Zombie Vixens. They are a little better than the men in terms of sculpts and crispness. Still they are cheap and there's a lot of them, besides it's nice to see the fairer sex represented. Their eyes are still too bloody small for me to paint, and if I thought the male zombies were skinny then some of these ladies are positively anorexic.
Left to Right: First up we have Blodwyn, looks like she was caught having a night on the town, having a bit of armless fun.(sorry, couldn't resist it). Next is Angharad, several of these torsos in the box, I quite like them. Are they called draggers or crawlers? I think Angharad must have been out with Blodwyn because she got legless. (I know I know). Last but not least is Suzy Suit who seems to be a little camera shy, although she fended off a few with her laptop, they still got her in the end. This idea was shamelessly stolen off Mathyoo. I hope he doesn't mind. These are not the sort of girls who would make good Valentine's, because as well as stealing your heart they would probably eat it.
  Thanks to everybody who takes the time to look and comment.
                'til next time, the DUDE says "take it easy".


  1. Great work! I don't know if this is just the photos, but I really like how grim your zombies always look.
    How did you do the laptop? Metal and a black wash? It came out really well!

    And the bloody suitcase isn't as much of an idea as it is unstoppable wish to paint everything in Tamiya Clear Red!

    1. Thanks for the input, Mathyoo.
      I do try to make them grim and dirty by giving them a good coat of Devlan Mud wash, but my lighting setup isn't great so it could just be the photos.
      The laptop was painted with Boltgun Metal, then a Devlan Mud wash (which is a dark brown) followed by Red Ink for the blood.
      Hope that helps mate. All the best Bob.

  2. I'm with Mathyoo on the subject of Tamiya Clear Red. I always leave the gore effects on my zombies to the last, but it is, without doubt, the most enjoyable part of painting zombies. The temptation to go overboard is always there, but often the best results are a case of less is more.

    Your zombie vixens are very well painted. I was going to say, beautifully painted, but there is nothing beautiful about this trio.

    By the way, I've been meaning to ask you, Bob, do you intend to give names to ALL of your zombie miniatures? Only a very select few of mine have names.

    1. Thanks Bryan.
      I haven't got any TCR yet, making do with Red Ink, but it looks OK? Less is definitely more because these gals and guys are so small.
      Your compliments are greatly appreciated, I try my best.LOL.
      Yes, I do intend to give ALL my zombies names, I find it an amusing distraction when faced with loads of them to paint and it helps to bring each one a little more to un-life.
      All the best Bob.

    2. Hah, I wanted to give all my zombies names, too. I gave up on the idea as I can't even name my survivors :D

      And the ink works just as good mate, no need to worry. TCR is just...TCR. I guess Bryan could tell you more. It's magic :D

    3. Just give them silly names or use your mates names that's what I do.

  3. Good to see the "fairer" sex represented; this is a much better set than the men's one and bits from both can be combined with the two survivor sets for more unique figures (as Colgar6 has done).I'm still haven't done anything with my sprue of these, but I like the crawlers. The vixens can be more asily used as casualties too as they don't have bases to cut off.

    1. Thanks Joe,
      I've seen Colgar6's combinations,really cool.The only survivors I have at the moment are from Zombicide game (not painted) the WGF survivors seem like good value, if the sculpts and details have improved. You should do something with your sprue, your point about using them as casualties is a very good one.
      At the moment I'm trying to get "boots on the ground".
      All the best Bob.
