Sunday, 4 May 2014


Before we stumble onwards I would first like to extend a warm BZA welcome to my latest follower Hybrid Horde. Welcome. Hybrid Horde runs The Walking Lead blog. (Great name by the way.) You should check it out, he's done some cool stuff, love his conversions "The Eaten".

Ok then, let's get this show on the road. Managed to finish the third line of my first tray of Zombicide Season 1. These guys like the last ones were painted with old GW Elf Flesh and washed with Leviathan Purple another old GW product.
Four more zombies shuffle in to join the evergrowing horde.
Not much more to say about these guys as you've seen all the sculpts from this set several times already. 3 walkers and a runner.                                                  

Usual rear shot. Liliwen's cheeky thong pic.
On with the introductions, Left to Right as usual. First one today is Liliwen a tour guide, she's a cheeky girl. Following her is Rhys, before reanimating he was unemployed. Next in line is Gwilym a local goverment councillor. Finally for today is Elwyn a professional rugby player. One more line and this first tray will be finished and I will have hit the halfway point of the zombies in this box.

That's all I got for this time dudes and dudettes. Remember the DUDE wants you all to "take it easy".                                                                                                        

Oh before I forget "May the fourth be with you".


  1. More great additions Bob, just can't keep myself round to doing mine. I might do a selection of them for zomtober later this year.

    1. Thanks Michael.
      It's a daunting task, especially if you're a slow painter like myself. I'm sure you'll find time to paint them eventually, zombtober sounds like a plan.

  2. May the Fourth be with you dude! Nice additions to the horde.

  3. Still going strong there, Bob - keep it up. I really like the technique you are using - washing seems like a simple procedure for zombies, but it makes them fantastically grim. I especially like the runner.

    1. Thanks Mathyoo.
      Washing is simple but it's fast and effective. I need all the help I can get when it comes to speed. It works really well on bright colours like the runner.

  4. May the Fourth be with you, young Jedi! Looking good, as usual, Bob. I notice how all of your zombies have Welsh sounding names. It looks like the zombie apocalypse hit Wales hard!

  5. Thanks Bryan.
    Yes, we were hit quite badly, I think it all started with some infected black pudding. At least that's what the local media are telling us.

  6. Another great looking set and the purple wash really works well.

    1. Thanks Joe.
      I quite like the purple wash myself.

  7. Thanks for the shout buddy! That livid/bruised skin tone looks particularly nasty on these guys! Solid work as always :)

  8. Superb Bob and the variation in colour on these zeds looks great!

    1. Thanks Adam.
      The variation is for my own sanity.
